
Dengie Solar Park

The Dengie Effect

The amount of renewable energy (in MWhrs) annually

*Please note that calculations may be adjusted to ensure maximum accuracy

Tonnes CO2 emissions avoided
Avg. domestic households served each year
Approx. hectares of land protected by the solar park

Introducing Dengie Solar Park, Essex

Dengie Solar Park

British Solar Renewables (BSR Energy) has received consent for a new solar development on Land near the village of Dengie, Maldon District, Essex. The 33 hectare site is located on land south of Keelings Road, Dengie. The proposals represent an opportunity to boost green energy generation in Maldon.

Given the current cost of living crisis, which includes soaring energy prices and concerns around energy security, providing locally sourced clean, green, and reliable energy production is more vital than ever. Dengie Solar Park will aid Maldon District Council in addressing the Climate Emergency it declared in February 2021 and in achieving its aim of becoming a carbon neutral District by 2030.

BSR Energy is passionate about playing its part to help the UK make the change towards renewable sources. We have all seen first-hand this summer the impacts that climate change is having, from the hottest day on record being recorded, to official drought declarations. The time to take action and mitigate against any further damage to our planet is now.

BSR’s proposals would deliver up to 20MW of clean green solar energy. This energy would be fed directly into the grid via an underground cable route and substation connection.

Stat References

Based on an annual average domestic consumption per household (Great Britain) of 3,799 kWh. Source BEIS, Regional and Local authority electricity consumption statics 2018.

Based on 'Emissions associated with the generation of electricity at a power station (Electricity generation factors do not include transmission and distribution). Source BEIS, Greenhouse gas reporting: conversion factors 2020.