BSR Group Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries (“BSR, ““it,” “our,” or the “Group”) exist to create abundant and accessible renewable energy which has a positive impact on people and the planet by developing, building, owning and operating renewable energy plants. BSR recognises that our actions as a business and as individuals have consequences on:
- The natural environment.
- Society, communities and the people it interacts with.
- The integrity of our business.
BSR’s objective and commitment through its Environmental Social and Governance (“ESG”) policy is to:
- Identify environmental, social, and governance risks posed by and to our business.
- Seek to manage and mitigate those risks.
- have a positive impact on the environment, and society whilst maintaining the integrity and profitability of the Group for the benefit of employees and shareholders.
BSR has identified the following initial key areas where ESG issues impact, or are impacted by our business:

At BSR we are passionate about renewables and the environment The objective is always to work with stakeholders to minimise the impact that our projects have on the environment during procurement, logistics construction and maintenance phases and to enhance biodiversity for the local area. BSR targets a 60% net biodiversity gain for each project submitted to planning. BSR will continue to operate in a way that improves soil structure and health, supports healthy ecosystems, enhances biodiversity and protects the planet. Looking ahead the Group will focus more strongly in this area, as global environmental impact and net zero carbon is a key issue for all of us. Our aim will be to act locally to impact globally.
BSR is fundamentally a people business and creating a culture that allows us to recruit and retain first-class talent is really important. As an equal opportunities’ employer, diversity and inclusion form an important part of this culture. Comprehensive training programs are offered to all of our staff, with the aim of nurturing talent and creating opportunity. There is always more that can be done to put our people first and create a working environment to be proud of.
Health and Safety
BSR has a culture in which “Everyone is safe, always.” The responsibility to keep employees and sub-contractors safe is a key area of risk for the business and hence a priority. BSR has achieved ISO 45001. BSR has established a professional in-house health and safety team to manage and mitigate risk and developed a rigorous approved supplier process to assess assessing contractors from a health and safety, modern slavery and financial perspective. BSR has a well-developed set of HV rules and are leaders in the solar industry in having a set of LV rules produced with external professional support.
Integrity and a reputation for ethical operations are essential to the business. BSR has robust governance and a strong compliance system which includes GDPR, anti-bribery, Modern slavery and cyber security policies. These policies are underpinned by a comprehensive training program and encouragement of an open and transparent business culture. Good governance is key to a healthy, well-managed and sustainable business. BSR is committed to strengthening its existing systems to support the eradication of modern slavery from its supply chains and continuing to raise awareness of the principles of good governance through the use of annual training.